Category: e29
Great confirmation on elevate29
I prayed for these guys (see prior posts). God showed me that their half moon was becoming a full moon, their half-empty cup was to be overflowing and one other thing that I cannot remember now. I got this email today. John, God’s favor certainly
Tiffany Ann Lewis on Prayer
Very good article from ElijahList. Tiffany Ann Lewis: Praying When You’ve Lost Heart by Tiffany Ann Lewis Mar 21, 2010 Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart.—Luke 18:1 Tiffany Ann Lewis When things are falling
Key to the prophetic ministry to businesses
God is doing a new thing in ministering to businesses. The one thing that I noticed is that God is getting behind what I am prophesying and praying. When I pray for businesses, there are things happening to them. They see it. I see it.
This is one of the areas that I am going to consult on. Identity is one of the cornerstones of the organization and individual. Psalms 20:6-7 (KJV) “Now know I that the Lord saveth his anointed; he will hear him from his holy heaven with
e29 Insight on the Prophetic for Biz and other stuff
1) Dont believe that “coaching” is the right term. I currently have executive discipleship for lack of a better term. But, I dont want to use the world’s terms for what we do. It has to be something different that makes them ask what it
Testimony on elevate29
This is one of the first groups that we have started praying for. Jeff came from Joey Watkins. All I have done is pray. God is amazing. Dear John, That is awesome.I have really experienced change.We have been having some minor relational issues the last
Masktaken Identity
People run around with masks over their faces to hide their identity. We gravitate to our strengths and hope that the world doesnt see our weaknesses. The LORD just showed how this manifests in me. I have been hiding behind the “power”. I saw this